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The Torpedo Boat Destroyer Wolf

At 12.30 A.M. on the 27th February the watchman re- ported that a vessel was ashore on the Inner Binks. A strong S.S.W. gale prevailed at the time with a heavy sea, and the Life-boat was promptly launched. As it was impossible to reach the vessel under sail a Torpedo- Boat Destroyer, named the Wolf, was hailed and took the boat in tow, towing her well to windward. The boat then bore down on the wreck and with great difficulty got alongside. She found the sea making a clean breach over the vessel and was just in time to rescue the crew of four hands before she sank. The vessel was the schooner William and Alice, of Hull, carrying a cargo of iron, and owing to her swinging spars the Life-boatmen were exposed to great risk while performing the rescue.

Another vessel also stranded on the sands but she succeeded in getting clear without assistance..