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During a strong S.S.W. gale on the 17th February the fishing-vessel Iris of Lowestoft, carry- ing a crew of three hands, stranded in Pegwell Bay. Information that the vessel was in danger reached Ramsgate at 11.45 A.M., and the Life-boat in tow of the Harbour Tug at once proceeded to her assistance. As the vessel was on a lee shore and in great danger, four men were put on board in the hope of extricating her from her perilous posi- I tion, but in spite of their efforts the ] ship took the ground and began, in the heavy sea, to make water. Realising the great danger of those on board the Life-boat let go her anchor, veered down to the vessel, and rescued the crew and took off the four Life-boatmen.

With great difficulty she managed to reach out into open water and then sailed to Ramsgate, where the men were landed with the effects which they had managed to take with them. The vessel had every indication of becoming a total wreck..