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On the 19th March the schooner Gravesend, of London, whilst bound from Dunkirk to London with a cargo of coal, got into difficulties close to the Goodwin Sands, owing to her anchors not holding. In response to her signals of distress the Life-boat Charles and Susanna Stephens proceeded to her assistance. They found the schooner driving before the gale drag- ging her anchors, and the seas washing right over her. No one was on board and the vessel's boat was gone. With very great difficulty the Life-boatmen managed to board the vessel, on which the signal of distress was still flying, and eventually succeeded in making a tow-rope fast between the schooner and the tug which had towed the Life-boat out. The vessel's anchor was then slipped, and sho was towed into Rams- gate in safety. It was reported that a passing steamer had rescued the crew before the arrival of the Life-boat. A strong N.N.E. gale was blowing at the time with a very heavy sea..