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The S.S. Pinna

At 6.50 A.M. on the 1st January a message was received at the Coast-guard Signal Station from the captain of the s.s. Pinna, of London, to the effect that he was in distress and required immediate assist- ance. The vessel was drifting before a terrific S.W. gale, and it appeared likely that she might be wrecked at any moment on the rocks in the vicinity.

The information was promptly conveyed to the Coxswain, Richard Harding, who immediately summoned his crew, and the Life-boat T. P. Hearne was launched in the teeth of one of the worst gales that had been experienced for many years. The boat behaved splendidly in the tremendous sea running, and after a difficult passage .succeeded in reaching the distressed vessel. At that time her anchors were holding, and the captain threw a line to the Life-boat and asked the Coxswain to stand by and render assistance if it should be required.

Towards the afternoon the storm grew worse, and as two steamers were in the vicinity of the Pinna the Coxswain decided to take his boat to Knockadown, where she could remain in readiness to put off promptly to the vessel again, if the captain sig- nalled for him. Later in the afternoon, as it was becoming dangerous for the boat to remain at Knockadown, the Coxswain again set out and with great difficulty brought the boat to Youghal, where the crew, who were very cold and hungry, were well looked after.

Four men remained on watch until j four o'clock next morning in case signals ; should be made from the Pinna, and about 5 o'clock tug-boats arrived on the scene and towed the vessel into Queens- town Harbour. The weather had moderated somewhat about this hour j and the Life-boat started to return to | her station, where she arrived at | 11 o'clock on the 2nd January. j The Honorary Secretary in reporting ; this case spoke in the most eulogistic terms of the conduct of the crew of the Life-boat under very trying circum- stances, and the Committee of Manage-} j ment granted the men an additional | monetary reward..