The Oil Tank Steamer Weehawken
At 6.30 P.M. on the 23rd January a message was received stating that a vessel was in distress about ten miles off Trevose Head. The Institution's tug was dispatched to her assistance, but in the darkness failed to find the vessel. She then returned ashore, and, a further message having been received next day respecting a vessel in distress, the tug again put to sea. She found the oil tank steamer Weehawken, of Swansea, disabled, and the tug, together with two steam trawlers, was engaged to try and save the vessel. Together they towed her to the neighbourhood of Barry, where they arrived at about 4.30 P.M. next day.
The men were then engaged throughout the night on the pumps, and next day the vessel was successfully docked.
During this service there was a fresh N.N.E. breeze with a moderate sea..