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During a strong S.S.W. gale on the 17th February, the schooner Proba, of Bideford, whilst bound from Charlestown to London with a cargo of china clay stranded on the Brake Sands. Information of the casualty reached North Deal at 9.45 A.M., and the Life-boat Charles Dibdin was promptly sent to her assistance.

A very heavy sea was running, and the launch was only accomplished with considerable difficulty. When the Life- boat reached the sands she found the seas making a clean breach over the vessel. The anchor was let go and the Life-boat veered down. It was only with great risk that the crew, five in number, were successfully rescued.

As soon as the boat got near to the schooner one boy jumped into the Life-- boat and two men got hold of the boat's mizen halyards and got into the boat in that way. A line was then thrown on board, and the captain made it fast to another boy, who was hauled through the sea into safety. The captain awaited a favourable opportunity and jumped into the boat. The Life-boat- men, when there was a smooth, got in their anchors after a hard task, and started for the shore. Owing to the strong wind and the state of the tide they were unable to make Deal and, therefore, ran for Ramsgate, where the five shipwrecked men were landed. As the weather continued very bad, the boat was left at Ramsgate and the crew returned home. Next day they pro- ceeded to Ramsgate and took their boat back to her station..