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The S.S. Veghtstroom

Yealm River and Plymouth, South j Devon.—The s.s. Veghtstroom, of Amster- dam, whilst bound from Fowey to Amsterdam with a cargo of china clay, stranded on the Mewstone at theentrance to Plymouth Harbour on the 21st November. Information of the casualty was sent to Plymouth and Yealm River and the Life-boat Eliza Avins put off from the former place, and the Michael Smart from the latter.

When the Life-boats reached the vessel some of the men boarded her, and the captain requested the boats to remain in attendance throughout the night. They accordingly did so. At 5.30 A.M. signals were made for a tug, but without success. At 7.30 A.M.

the vessel floated off, and Coxswain Mumford of the Plymouth boat joined the master on the bridge with the view of taking the vessel back into the Cattewater. It was found, however, that the pumps could keep the leakage under control, and the master decided to proceed on his voyage. The Life- boats then returned to their stations..