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The S.S. Irwell

At 4.35 A.M. on the 30th November information was received that a Government trans- port vessel—the s.s. In/cell, of Goole —with twenty men on board, had struck the bar and was driving ashore into Seaford Bay. The Motor Life-boat Sir FitzRoy Clayton was promptly launched and proceeded to her assist- ance. When she arrived the Captain asked Coxswain Payne to stand by until it was seen whether the vessel would be able to get off when that, tide made.

The boat remained by the vessel until about 7 A.M., when she floated without assistance and proceeded into Newhaven Harbour. At the time of this service the weather was very cold and rain was falling, the sea was very heavy and a whole S. gale was blowing, and all the Life- boatmen were agreed that this was one of the roughest experiences they had ever had 011 the bar. Unfortunately three of the crew sustained injuries while the boat was engaged on this service.