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The S.S. Boston

The Life-boat Hollon the Third was launched at 7.30 P.M. on the 22nd December in response to a message from the Coastguard stating that a steamer was off the Brigg, down at the head .and apparently lowering her boats. A strong N.E. by E. breeze was blowing, and there was a rough sea at the time. On reaching the vessel she proved to be the s.s. Boston, of Christiania, carrying a crew of eighteen hands, and bound from London with a cargo of paper and wood. The vessel had struck a mine and when the Life- boat reached her was in a sinking condition. Ten of the crew had left the steamer, and succeeded in getting to Scarborough in safety. The re- mainder, eight in number, including the Captain, were rescued by the Life-boat, which conveyed them in safety to Filey..