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The Four-Masted Barqe Asnieres

In response to a message received from the Coastguard on the 2nd December, stating that a four-masted barque was ashore and in need of immediate assistance, the Life- boat Bob Newbon was launched. The vessel proved to be the Asnieres, of Havre, bound from San Francisco to Falmouth with a cargo of barlsy. When the Life-boat reached her it was found that the men on board were in no im- mediate danger, but at the request of the Master the Life-bdat stood by in case their services might be required.

At the time of the casualty a strong S.S.W. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea.

Two days later another urgent mes- sage was received, and the Life-boat again proceeded to the barque. A strong S.S.W. gale had again sprung up, and as the men on board were, on this occasion, in considerable danger, twenty-five of the crew were taken off and brought ashore in safety..