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Lilian Drost

At about 7.40 A.M. on the 21st No- vember a message was received from the Coastguard reporting that a vessel was on the West Sunk Sands, and the Wal- ton-on-the-Naze Life-boat James Stevens No. 14 was sent to her assistance. On arrival at the sands she found the steamer Lilian Drost, of Copenhagen, ashore. She was bound from London with a cargo of coke and carried a crew of eighteen hands. At first the captain declined to employ the Life- boatmen to assist him in getting the vessel clear, as he hoped to refloat her.

This was not possible, however, and on the arrival of the Harwich Steam Life- boat City of Glasgow, the crews of both Life-boats were engaged to jettison the cargo. An anchor was also laid out from the steamer, and the Life-boatmen continued to lighten the vessel for twenty-two hours. During this time the sea was very heavy, but on the afternoon of the 22nd the vessel was successfully refloated and taken to a safe anchorage..