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At 7.15 A.M. on the 29th October the Coastguard reported that a vessel was ashore about a mile north of Rattray Head. The crew of the No. 2 Motor Life-boat Alexander TullvcJt were at once summoned and the boat proceeded with all possible speed to the scene of the wreck. The sea was very rough with heavy showers of rain and sleet, the wind being E.N.E. Near Rattray Head the Life-boat found the steamer Blanka, of Oscarshamn, laden with a cargo of timber, bound for Hull. The crew, seventeen in number, were all on deck and were waving excitedly for the Life-boat to go and rescue them. The acting Coxswain, James Geddes, Junior, boarded the vessel and warned the captain that it was desirable for them to leave as soon as possible as the sea was getting very rough and the vessel was likely to become a total wreck as she was then full of water. Some of the crew managed to secure their per- sonal clothing, and all the men were taken off in safety and conveyed to Peterhead. Four other' men were also saved. They had put off to the vessel in a small boat earlier in the morning before the weather had become so rough..