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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 8th October, 1914.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Southern District.—The Lizard and Porthoustock.

Western District.—Newquay (Corn.), Penlee, and Penzance.

Presented the reports of the Scottish District Organizing Secretary on his visit to Branches in his area.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— £ s. d.


Collection i n C h a p e l . . . . 6 6 - WHITE STAR LINE. Proportion of amount collected on steamers for marine charities . . . . 50 - - —To be severally thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Mr. GEORGE DAVID £ s. d.

RICHARDSON, of Wellclose Square, E. (on account). . . 400 - - The late Mr. HERBERT BINNS PILKIHGTON, of Southport (further on account) 340 - - The late Mr. ALFRED BRADLEY, of Nottingham 250 - - The late Mr. ANDREW DMNAN, of Dublin, per City of Dublin Branch 212 9 - The late Mr. JOHN UISDON, of Stourbridge 50 - - The late Miss ELLEN BUBMABTEB, of Sussex Square, W. (further on account) 25 - - Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Mr. M. F. MORESBY, in recognition of his long and valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Exmouth Branch, which office he had just resigned.

Paid 9,893Z. 11s. d. for sundry charges in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 169Z. 5s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— T jyes Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Aldeburgh No.l Barge Perseus, of London.

Assisted to save vessel a n d . . . . 3 Life-boat-.

Bridlington Quay Clogher Head .

Easington .

Filey . . .

Hasborough Kingstown.

Spurn Lives Vessel. saved.

Six cobles of Bridlington.

Stood by cobles.

Fishing-boat Cecilia, of Balbriggan . . . 4 Steam-trawler Ipswich, of Grimsby . . . 6 S.S. Artificer, of Newcastle.

Stood by vessel.

A d m i r a l t y Seaplane No. 898. Assisted seaplane.

Cutters Industry and Mlzpah, of Dublin.

Landed 1.

Sloop Chesterfield, of Lynn 3 Caister No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Haller, of Hull; and Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Gertrud, of Gothenburg.

Also voted 2031. 12s, 3d. to pay the expenses of the following: Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Caister No. 2, Criccieth, Cromer, Gorleston No. 1, Hasborough, Margate No. 1, Montrose No. I, North Deal, Ramsgate, Rhosneigr, and Robin Hood's Bay.

Granted an additional 5s. each to the crew of the Filey Life-boat on account of the lengthy and arduous nature of the service to the S.S. Artificer on the 9th September.

Thursday, 12th November, 1914.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL, WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the District Inspector for the Southern District on his visit to the Southend Station.

Presented the reports of the District Organizing Secretaries on their visits to the Branches in their respective areas, Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— £ s. d.

M. E. A. (annual subscription) . 25 - - W. E 10 - - Hadnall Church Collection . . 7 7 - Aldringbam Church, Collection at Harvest Thanksgiving Services 4 9 6 —To be severally thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following legacies: — The late Mr. JOHN CBOALL, of £ s. d.

Edinburgh (on account). . . 2500 - - The late Mr. GEORGE DAVID RICHARDSON, of Wellclose Square, E. (balance) . . . . 400 - - Accepted the resignation of Mr. William Spicer, Assistant Secretary.

Appointed Mr. P. W. Gidney Assistant Secretary, vice Mr. William Spicer, resigned. ! Paid 9,200Z. 14s. 3d. for sundry charges in I connexion with the maintenance of the various I Life-boat establishments.

Voted 3S57. 9s. to pay the expenses of the folio-wing Life-boat services:— j Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved. I Hauxley . . Steam-trawler Cliryso- lite, of Hull. Ren- i dered assistance. j Hunstanton . Admiralty Seaplane No.

898. Rendered assistance.

Lowestoft . . Two Belgian fishingboats.

Saved 35 Belgian refugees . . . 35 Peterhead No.2 S.S. Blanka, of Oscar- (Motor) shamn, and a small boat 21 Polkerris . . Schooner Abeja, of Exeter.

Stood by vessel.

Spurn . . . Schooner Union, of Portsmouth. Stood by vessel. i Stromness H.M.S. Dryad. Landed j (Motor) 2 injured men and 52 j bags of mails. j Whitby No. 2 . Government hospital . j steamer Rohilla . . 35 Tynemouth Government hospital (Motor) steamer Bohilla . . 50 Scarborough . Government hospital steamer Bo hi 11 a.

Stood by vessel.

Blakeney Life-boat assisted to save the S. S.

Argentum, of Newcastle; Flamborough No 2 Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Aries, of West Hartlepool; Gorleston No 1 Lifeboat assisted to save the S.S. Eglantine, of North Shields, and her crew of eighteen hands; Lowestoft Life-boat assisted to save the trawler Emanuel, of Lowestoft, and her crew of five ; North Deal Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Rivulet, of London, and twentysix hands; Penlee Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Liguria, of Genoa; and Whitby No. 1 Life-boat took Lloyds' representative to the wreck of the Government Hospital Steamer Rohilla.

Also voted 856L 4s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Bembridge, Bridlington Quay, Broughty Ferry (Motor), Caister No. 1, Donna Nook, Easington, Flamborough No. 1, Gorleston Nos. 1 and 2, Greencastle, Hasborough, Kingsdowne, Lyme Regis, Margate No. 1, North Deal, North Sunderland, Palling No. 2, Peterhead No. 1, Peterhead No. 2 (Motor), Portrush, Robin Hood's Bay, St.

Andrews, Sennen Cove, Skateraw, Teesmouth (Motor), Upgang, Walton - on - the - Naze (Motor), Whitby No. 1, and Winterton No. 2.

Voted 21. 10s. to a man injured in the Lifeboat service at Aldeburgh.

Voted a further compassionate grant of 501. towards the support of old Life-boatmen at Ramsgate who were in very poor circumstances.

In connexion with the wreck of the Government Hospital Steamer Rohilla near Saltwick Nab, Whitby, on 30th October, during a whole S.E. gale and a very heavy sea, the Committee voted the following special rewards in addition to ordinary service pay:—Gold Medals and Votes of Thanks on Vellum to THOMAS LANGLANDS, Coxswain of the Whitby Life-boats; to ROBERT SMITH, Coxswain of the Tynemouth Motor Life-boat; to CAPTAIN H. E. BXJBTOS, R.E., Honorary Superintendent of the Tynemouth Motor Life-boat. Also Silver Medals and Votes of Thanks on Vellum to Lieutenant BASIL HALL, R.N., District Inspector of Lifa-boats; to RICHARD EGLOS , Second Coxswain of the Whitby Life-boats; to JAMES S. BROWNLEE, Second Coxswain of the Tynemouth Motor Life-boat; and to GEORGE PEART, who went into the sea and saved many who were washed or jumped overboard. Peart was also granted 101.

Votes of Thanks on Vellum to R. P. ROBINSON and T. M. KELLY, Coxswain and Second Coxswain of the Upgang Life-boat respectively.

A special letter of thanks and a telescope to Captain JOHN MILBURN, who took an active part in directing operations; a special letter of thanks and a Binocular Glass to MB. C. D.

BACON, Honorary Secretary of the Teesmouth Branch, for going out in the Teesmouth Motor Life-boat; a special letter of thanks to the River Tees Commissioners for the services rendered by their tug and 101. to the crew of the tug ; a letter of thanks to the owners of the trawler which towed the Scarborough Life-boat, and a Binocular Glass to the captain, WILLIAM SMALLEY, together with 101. to be divided amongst himself and the crew, also 51. compensation for two warps broken when towing. A letter of thanks to the owners of the trawler which went to Whitby from Hartlepool and towed the Whitby No. 1 Life-boat; 101. to be divided between the master and the crew, and 21. to the Coxswain of the Hartlepool No. 2 Lifeboat, who accompanied the trawler.

Letters of thanks to Dr. MACKINLAY and Private RENSHAWE, R. A.M.C., who volunteered and went out in the Teesmouth Motor Lifeboat.

The Committee also granted additional monetary rewards to the members of the crews of the Yhitby No. 2, Upgang, Tynemouth (Motor), Scarborough, and Teesmouth (Motor) Life-boats, including the mechanics on th6 Motor Life-boats. Also granted 21. each to seventeen men who saved many persons by personal efforts from the shore.

Pull particulars of this case will be found on page 193.

Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Acting Coxswain JOHN CORDINER, and 15s. extra to him and to each of the crew of the Peterhead No. 1 Life-boat for their very excellent services when attempting to rescue the crew of the S.S. Torgrim, of Landskrona, which was wrecked about two miles north of Rattray Head in a whole E.N.E. gale and a very heavy sea on the 31st October. Also sent a special letter of thanks to Admiral SIMPSON for placing a mine sweeper at the disposal of the Life-boat for the purpose of towing her to the vicinity of the wreck.

Voted 21. 5s. to three men for putting off in a motor-boat and saving thirty-three Belgian refugees from some Belgian fishingboats, which had stranded on the Newcombe Sands while bound to Lowestoft, on the 15th October. A moderate E.N.E. breeze was blowing, but the sea on the Sands was rough.

The remainder of the refugees were saved by the Lowestoft Life-boat.

Voted 21. 5s. to three men for their prompt and meritorious services in rescuing a man, who had fallen over the cliffs at Boscastle, on the 22nd July. The service was accompanied by some risk to the salvors.

Thursday, 10th December, 1914.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bart., M.P., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the Southern District Inspector on his visits to the following Life- Boat Stations:— Eastern District.—Scarborough, Sheringham, Cromer, Hasborough, Palling (two boats), Caister (two boats), Yarmouth, Gorleston( two boats), Lowestoft, Pakefield, Kessingland (two boats).

Western District. — Weston-super-Mare, Sennen Cove, St. Ives, Penzance, Penlee, Hayle.

Irish District.—Courtown, Arklow, Cahore, Ramsey, Douglas, Castletown, Port St. Mary, Port Erin.

Presented the reports of the District Organizing Secretaries on their visits to the Branches in their respective areas.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD- £ s. d. FELLOWS (M.U.), Annual Subscription 50 - - Donation 2 17 6 Mr. ALFRED BARRETT . . . . 10 10 - —Ho be severally thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. DAVID ANDERSON, of £ s. d.

Edinburgh (on account). . . 4500 - - The late Mr. WM. J. LORD, of Blackpool 1000 - - The late Miss CATHERINE MILLS, of Kelso 178 19 - The late Mr. ALFRED BRADLEY, of Nottingham (further on account) 125 - - The late Miss MARY ANN WALKER, of Lew Deer 117 19 11 The late Mrs. SARAH EGGLESTON, of Upper Norwood . . . . 46 4 6 The late Mr. WILLIAM RYLAND, of Sheffield 30 16 7 The late Miss MARY ANN ELLIS, of Exmouth (further on account). 11 5 - Accepted, with regret, the resignation of Admiral Sir ARTHUR MOORE from the Committee of Management.

Resolved that the meetings of the Committee of Management should be held at 12 noon in future instead of 11.30 A.M.

Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Mr. JOHN STEPHENSON in recognition of his long and valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Scarborough Branch, which office he was resigning on 31st December.

Paid 6,338J. 2s. Wd. for sundry charges in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-Boat establishments.

Voted 544Z. 4s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Arbroath . . Seven fishing-boats of Arbroath. Stood by fishing-boats.

Caister No. 1. . Admiralty mine sweeper Auckland. Rendered assistance.

Clacton-on-Sea S.S. Harlington, of Lon- (Motor) don 15 Clovelly . . Fishing-boat Lucy Jane, of Clovelly. Saved boat a n d . . . . 2 Falmouth . . Barque Asnieres, of Havre. Stood by vessel and afterwards rescued 25 Filey . . . Two cobles of Filey.

Rendered assistance.

Lowestoft . . Admiralty mine sweeper Spider 13 Lowestoft . . Admiralty mine sweeper Condor 9 Lowestoft . . S.S. F. Stobart, of Sunderland.

Stood by vessel.

Margate No. 2 S.S. Coronilla, of North Shields. Stood by vessel.

Minehead . . Fishing-boat Lucille, of Minehead. Saved boat and 2 Newbiggin. . Fourteen fishing-cobles of Newbiggin. Rendered assistance.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Newhayen Government transport (Motor) Irwell. Stood by vessel.

North Deal . H.M.S. Niger. Landed 6.

Palling No. 2 . S.S. Orozco, of Bilbao.

Stood by vessel.

Plymouth . . S.S. Veghtstroom, of Amsterdam. Stood by vessel.

Poole . . . Ketch Lord Alcester, of London. Landed 4.

Ramsey . . Schooner Coniston, of Duddon . . . . 4 Stromness Ship Sorfareren, of (Motor) Christiansand. Stood by vessel.

Tenby . . . S c h o o n e r Sarah -McDonaW.ofBidefprd 4 Tynemouth . Ten Admiralty mine (Motor) sweepers. Stood by vessels.

Yealm River . S.S. Veghtstroom, of Amsterdam. Stood by vessel.

Kingdowne Life-boat saved the schooner Mary Ann Mandal, of Barrow, and her crew of six; Shoreham Life-boat saved the barge Success, of London, and three hands; Spurn Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Elentsobe, of Bilbao; Harwich (Steam) and Walton-onthe- Naze (Motor) Life-boats assisted to save the S.S. Lilian Drost, of Copenhagen, and her crew of eighteen ; Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Dalegarth, of Newcastle, and twenty-one hands, also saved the Admiralty mine sweeper Willett and her crew of thirteen ; and Whitby No. 2 Life-boat saved the S.S. Ingrid II., of Christiauia, and sixteen.

Also voted 699Z. 19s. Wd. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crew, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Angle (Steam), Bridlington Quay, Brighton, Brixham, Clactou-on-Sea (Motor), Cromer, Eastbourne No. 2, Gorleston No. 2, Greencastle, Harwich (Steam),Hastings,Hauxley, Hoylake, Hunstanton, Johnshaven, Kingsdowne, Kingstown, Lowestoft, Lyme Regis, New Brighton (Steam), Newhaven (Motor), North Deal, Padstow No. 2, Palling Nos. 1 and 2, Penlee, Peterhead No. 1. Poolbeg, Port Logan, Port Patrick, Portrush, Ramsgate, Rosslare Harbour, Sheringham, Teesmouth (Motor), Tynemouth (Motor), Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor), Wells, Winterton No. 2, and Worthing.

Voted additional rewards to the crews of the Margate No. 2 and the Donaghadee Life-boats for long and arduous services performed in very rough weather on the 11th and 15th November respectively.

Voted the Silver Medal together with the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to JOHN SWAN, Coxswain of the Lowestoft Life-boat, and 15s. additional to him and to each of the crew in recognition of their gallant services in rescuing the crew of nine hands of the mine sweeper Condor, which was totally wrecked on the Newcombe Sands, in a very heavy sea, on the 22nd November, 1914.

Also voted the Silver Medal and the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, to GEORGE GRIGSON, Coxswain of the Clacton-on-Sea Motor Life-boat, and an additional reward of li. to him and to each of the crew, in recognition of their very gallant services in rescuing the crew of fifteen hands of the S.S. Harlington of London, which was wrecked on the West Sunk Sands, during a whole S.S.W. gale and a very heavy sea, on the 5th December. The Life-boat was in attendance on the vessel and engaged in efforts to save her for an almost continuous period of four days, Voted the sum of 10Z. to be divided between Police Superintendent T. ROBINSON and the Whitby Police in recognition of their excellent work in assisting to save those who either jumped or were washed overboard from the S S. Rohilla, wrecked at Whitby on the 30th October-lst November.

Also 21. each to three men, and 11. each to eleven other men, for their valuable services on the same occasion.

Voted the sum of 101. to the crew of the Sheringham Private Life-boat in recognition of their services in connexion with the wreck of the schooner Vera, near Cley, on the 16th November.

Voted 4/. to four men for putting off in a small boat on the 29th October for the purpose of assisting the S.S. Blanka, of Oscarshamn, which stranded about one mile from Rattray Head on the 29th October.

Voted 12s. each to thirteen men for putting off in three boats to save a man who had been blown out to sea in a small boat off St.

Andrews on the llth November. One of the boats succeeded in saving the man while the other two boats were searching and all of the salvors incurred considerable risk.

Voted 7s. 6d. each to ten men for putting off in two boats to assist the fishing-boat Fear Not, of Minehead, which was swamped and capsized, in a strong gale and a heavy sea, on the 11th November. The occupants of the Fear Not were saved by one of the boats.

Voted 10s. each to eight men in two boats for putting off and saving the crew of fourteen hands of the S.S. America, of Grimsby, which was totally wrecked on the north side of Wick Bay, in a moderate S.W. breeze and moderate sea, on the 20th November. The risk incurred by the salvors was slight, but their promptness undoubtedly saved the men as the vessel sank very rapidly after she struck.

Sent a letter of thanks to the Honorary Secretary of the New Quay (Cardigan) Branch, and voted 5s each to three men in recognition of their services in saving two men, who were caught in a heavy squall, lost their sail and broke their oars, when fishing off New Quay on the 1st December.