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Two Racing Boats

A party of four men and six women, students from the University, had an exciting adventure near Aberystwyth on the 17th April. They left Aber- ystwyth in the morning in two of the college racing boats to proceed to Monks Cave, a resort about five miles to the south of Aberystwyth. Brilliant sunshine prevailed, but a strong east wind blew off the land, accompanied by frequent squalls. It was not until the homeward journey was commenced that difficulties arose ; they then found that they could make very little progress against the wind and tide, and as the result of their strenuous efforts they were becoming exhausted.

Shortly after mid-day some anxiety was felt at the non-return of the boats and, as a result of inquiries, it was found that they had already left Monks Cave at about 1 P.M., on their return journey.

As it was now blowing very hard, it was decided to launch the Life-boat John and Naomi Beattie. Soon afterwards the two boats were seen out at sea, driving fast to leeward. As soon as the Life-boat reached them the ten occupants were taken aboard and the two boats were towed into safety.

When picked up both crews were quite exhausted and could only manage to keep their boat's head to the sea..