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The S.S. Ellerbeck

At 10 A.M.

\ on the 15th August information was \ received, by telephone, from the Smalls I Lighthouse that a steamer had gone ashore on the "Hats and Barrels" Rock.

The motor Life-boat General Farrell was at once launched and proceeded to the vessel, which was found to be the s.s.

Ellerbeck, of Newcastle, carrying a crew ; of ninteen hands. Sixteen members of [ the crew had taken to the ship's boat i and, after the arrival of the Life-boat, | eight of them returned to the ship, j while the remaining eight were taken I into the Life-boat. At the request of the captain the boat stood by the vessel for several hours, and as the men on board elected to remain there the Life-boat then returned to her station, conveying the eight men ashore, together with some of their belongings.

The Ellerbeck, which was a vesssl of some 2,000 tons, outward bound from Barry Dock, with a cargo of coal, eventually became a total wreck, and the remainder of the crew were saved by a passing trawler..