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At 6.45 P.M. on the 1st April a telephone message was received from the Coast- guard stating that a vessel was ashore at Scotston Head. Coxswain James Cameron of the No. 2 Life - boat Alexander Tulloch started for the scene j of the wreck, which was about four miles from Peterhead ; on arriving the Life-boat went alongside the vessel, which proved to be the trawler Olbers, of Bremerhaven. She had run ashore on the rocks. In response to the Coxswain's inquiry the captain of the trawler stated that he wanted a tugboat I and that there was no necessity for the j crew to be taken off. The Coxswain, however, was not satisfied to leave the vessel and decided to stand by until he was of opinion that she was out of danger. At about 10 P.M. the captain stated that his vessel was steady and that he did not consider it necessary for the Life-boat to remain longer, but that if anything untoward happened before the vessel floated he would again signal for the Life-boat. The Cox- swain, therefore, returned to Peter- head, but he and his crew remained on | duty until about 2 A.M., when they received information that the vessel had got off the rocks..