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Arthur, Diana and Freda

On the 14th September the strong W.S.W.

wind, which had been blowing at Brid- lington, increased towards sunset to a strong gale. At about 7.30 P.M. it was reported that some of the fishing cobles trawling in the vicinity of Flam- borough Head were in distress, and that the Life-boat was wanted. With the assistance of many willing helpers the boat, George and Jane Walker, was dragged to the north beach and launched. Very shortly she fell in with the coble Arthur, carrying three hands, with her sails badly split, and Coxswain Johnson offered to help them.

As the boat was near the shore, however, the men replied that they thought that they could make the harbour. The Lifeboat waited whilst this was done and then proceeded in search of others. She next fell in with the coble Diana, carrying two hands; her sails also had been blown away, and the Life-boat stood by her until a large coble came off with a spare main-sail, which was transferred to the disabled boat. The Life-boat saw her into safety, and then went to the assistance of the Freda and stood by her until a tug took her into safety.

This coble had also lost her sails. The Life-boat afterwards returned to har- bour, but it having been ascertained that three cobles were still missing, a fresh crew were obtained and at about 11.30 P.M. the boat again put out to sea. She cruised about throughout the night, and at daylight found two of the missing boats about six miles from Bridlington. She at once made for them, and having found that it was not necessary to take the men out of their cobles, she proceeded to a steam trawler and requested her to tow the boats into safety. This the trawler did, and at about 8.30 A.M. on the 15th the two cobles and the Life-boat arrived at Bridlington Harbour..