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Two Fishing Boats

Shortly after 10 A.M. on the 20th March a telephone message was received from Gourdon intimating that a very heavy sea was running at the harbour mouth, and that the fishing-boats had been warned not to attempt to come in, and, further, that the Gourdon Life- boat was being launched to their assistance. Some of the fishing-boats ran for Johnshaven for shelter, and, on their appearance in the offing, the Johnshaven boat, Sarah Ann Holden, was launched to stand by them until they should succeed in getting into safety. Two pilots were taken out in the Life-boat, and these men were put aboard the two boats which most required them. After all the boats had got into the harbour, the Gourdon Life-boat also came in, and was drawn up and left until the weather moderated, when she was able to return to her own station..