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Ocean Bride, Elsie May and Doris

.—Shortly before 10 A.M. on the 16th March the N.N.E. wind became very squally, and increased to a gale, when three of the Bridlington Quay fishing-boats, which had gone off early in the morning, were off Hornsea. At about 11 A.M. the wind increased to hurri- cane force, and as no news could be obtained of the boats by telephone, steps were taken to launch the Life-boat George and Jane Walker. By this time the sea was very heavy, and the Life- boat proceeded south in search of the missing boats. She came up with the cobles about ten miles from Bridlington.

One of the boats had had her headsails blown away and all three were shipping a great deal of water. The Life-boat stood by them and accompanied them into harbour, which was reached at about 3 P.M. The boats assisted were the Ocean Bride, Elsie May and Doris..