Fishing Cobles
Con- siderable excitement was caused on the morning of the 16th March in the village of Newbiggin owing to fifteen of the cobles belonging to the port having been overtaken by bad weather when at sea. The boats went off fishing at about 5 A.M. when the wind was very moderate, but about 6.30 A.M. a gale blew up from the N.E. very suddenly, and the sea grew rapidly. Most of the boats ran for shelter, and when off New- biggin at about 8.30 A.M. it was seen that they were in great danger of being swamped. The Life-boat Ada Lewis was therefore launched without loss of time and stood by several of the cobles until they got into safety. It was then found that one of the boats was missing.
The Life-boat therefore went in search of her and found her about three miles from the shore. The boat was convoyed into safety, the Life-boat remaining in close attendance. The Life-boatmen were loudly cheered on their return to land, and the relatives and friends of the men were greatly relieved when all had landed in safety..