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Wave Crest

Coxswain John Swan of the Lowestoft Life-boat Kentwell was called out by the beach- men at 4.30 P.M. on the 15th February and informed that a vessel was aground at the entrance to the harbour. The Life-boat was launched without loss of time, but before she reached the vessel the latter had been knocked by the sea along the north extension and three of the crew had managed to scramble on to the pier, two others however remain- ing on board. Eventually a rope was passed from the pier to the vessel and she was hauled into harbour, the Life- boat remaining alongside until she was in safety. The vessel was the trawler Wave Crest, of Lowestoft, homeward bound, laden with fish. There was a heavy sea running at the time and a strong breeze blowing from S.W. by W.

Just after returning from this service another smack was seen burning flares, outside the harbour, for assistance.

The boat was, therefore, launched again and proceeded to the vessel, which was the trawler Comrades, of Lowestoft.

On reaching her it was found that she had gone on the sandbank outside the harbour and was making a lot of water.

The Coxswain asked the skipper if the crew wished to leave the vessel, but this they declined to do, but at the same time he asked the Coxswain to remain in close proximity to the vessel as she was leaking badly. The crew had got all their clothes on deck ready to leave the trawler, and the pumps were kept constantly at work to keep her afloat. The Life-boat therefore stood by until about 7 P.M. when a tug came up with another vessel, which was also leaking badly. The tug signalled to the Life-boat to go to this vessel's assistance and, the Life-boatmen finding that the crew of the Comrades were able to keep the water under, left the Comrades and went to the other vessel, which was the trawler Active, of Lowes- toft. It was found that she also had been ashore and was making a lot of water and wanted assistance. Some of the Life-boatmen were put on board to help the crew to work the pumps. After a short time, finding that the water was gaining on her the skipper asked the Coxswain to go into harbour and get some more pumps and some more help. The Life-boat accord- ingly returned ashoreand, ha vingshipped twelve more men and two pumps, returned to the Active and put them on board. With the additional assis- tance the trawler was kept afloat and at about 9 P.M. was towed into harbour by a tug. The Life-boat then returned to the Comrades to see if she required any further assistance, and stood by her until about 10 P.M., when she also was towed into safety..