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Between 10 and 11 A.M. on the 10th January the ketch Daybreak, of Peterhead, bound for Stonehaveu with a cargo of coal, came into Stonehaven Bay with the intention of making the i harbour. The wind was blowing \ Lifestrongly from the south and there was a ; heavy sea running. As the ketch neared the entrance she was caught by a heavy sea and thrown to the northward and was unable to get into harbour. For some minutes the ketch was in great peril of being wrecked, being only a few yards from the rocks when she managed to wear and make for the open sea. In the meanwhile the crew of the Life-boat Alexander Black had been summoned, and the boat was very expeditiously launched. She proceeded to the ketch and stood by her for about an hour, till the Daybreak made another and successful attempt to put into harbour.

There is no doubt that the vessel on. the first occasion had a very narrow escape from being thrown on to the rocks..