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The S.S. Wrexham

At 7 A.M. on the 10th August, the Coastguard reported that he had received a message by wireless telegraphy from the Cross Sand Light-vessel stating that a large steamer was ashore on that Sand. The weather was hazy at the time, with a moderate W.N.W. breeze and smooth sea. The crew of the No. 1 Life-boat Oovent Garden were assembled, and the boat proceeded to the Sands where she found the s.s. Wrexham, of Grimsby, belonging to the Great Central Railway Company.

She was bound from Antwerp to Grimsby with 120 passengers on board, and a general cargo. Coxswain John Haylett asked the captain if he required any assistance, and in reply he requested the boat to stand by in case of necessity.

The boat therefore remained until the steamer succeeded in getting clear of the Sand, and she then returned to her station..