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The P&O Steamer Palma

At 6 P.M.

on the 10th June the Coastguard re- ported that a ship lying off Southend was flying a signal for assistance to be sent, and had semaphored that a boat was adrift and wanted help. The crew of the Life-boat James Stevens No. 9 were assembled, and the Life-boat pro- ceeded to the endangered boat. It transpired that the boat belonged to the P. and O. steamer Palma. Two of the crew of the vessel had fallen over- board, and a boat, manned by eight men, had been sent to pick them up.

In this they were successful, .but, owing to the strong westerly wind and tide, they were unable to regain their ship, and were being driven out to sea. In the strong tide running it was not possible for the Life-boat to take the boat in tow • the Coxswain therefore put some of the Life-boatmen in the boat, and when the tide slacked they were able to get the men back to their ship, where they arrived at 9 P.M. The captain of the Palma expressed his thanks to the Coxswain and crew for the timely assistance given..