The Life-Boat Service Abroad
THE " Annales du Sauvetage Maritime," the journal of the Societe Centrale de Sanvetage des Naufrages, for the last quarter of 1913 shows that the Society has granted rewards for the saving of 21,275 persons since its foundation in 1865, 16,498 of whom were saved by the boats and the apparatus of the Society itself. In addition, 1,581 vessels had been saved or succoured by the Society. The journal contains, besides the usual record of services, a very interesting description of the ceremonies of inauguration of the Sauzon (BeJle-Ile-en-Mer) station and the launch of the Paul Tourreil Life-boat at Port - Joinville (lie d'Yeu).
The Swedish Life-boat Society built its first motor boats in 1912. They are, broadly speaking, of the Watson type, with certain modifications. They have a length of 42 ft., whereas the German motor boats (of a similar type) are only 36 ft, long. The Swedish boats use petroleum. The Society is building two more motor boats. The German Society now has eight on the coast.
The "Boletin," the journal of the Spanish Life-boat Society, founded in 1880, shows that the Society has granted rewards for the saving of 10,585 persons, of whom 1,321 have been saved by the direct means of the Society's Life-boats and rocket apparatus, while the rest have been saved by other means. In addition, 103 vessels have been saved or succoured by the Lifeboats or other means at the disposal of the Society..