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Shortly before 11 A.M. on the 22nd December, a telephone message was received through the Coastguard from the Kentish Knock Light-vessel, stating that there was a schooner ashore on the Sand, with a flag flying at half-mast on the mizen.

The crew of the No. 2 Life-boat Civil Service No. 1 were promptly assembled, and the Life-boat was despatched to her assistance. On arriving at the Sands they found the three-masted schooner Silvia, of Beaumaris, ashore. The captain at once employed the Life-boatmen to jettison the cargo, and to lay out anchors and warps for the purpose of floating the vessel, if possible, at high water. At about 6.30 P.M., half an hour before high water, the vessel began to move, and she was eventually got clear of the Sands and sailed into Margate Roads. The captain reported that all his and the crew's clothes were on board the Kentish Knock Light- vessel, as they had taken their belongings to her in the ship's boat after the schooner stranded. When the master of the Light-vessel told them that the Life-boat was coming to their aid they decided to return to the schooner, but they left their clothes behind them.

After the vessel was afloat the Life-boat obtained the men's clothing and con- veyed it to the ship, which was then in Margate Roads..