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Scottish Prince

The No. 1 Life-boat Lizzie Porter was called out for service on the 30th May to a trawler, which had stranded on the Goldstone Rock and eventually became a total wreck. Information reached Holy Islaad at about noon that a vessel was ashore, and, as all the Life-boatmen were at sea, volunteers were called for. The Life-boat Signal- man Thomas Walker was appointed to act as Coxswain, and he selected a crew, amongst them being a joiner, a gardener, and farm labourers. This crew, assisted by the women and children, launched the Life-boat, and she proceeded to the distressed trawler.

On arrival it was found that the vessel was lying broadside on the rocks, and the crew of ten men had taken to their small boat. The master requested the Life-boat to " stand by " the vessel, and she did so until after 6 P.M., when all hope of saving her had been abandoned.

In the meantime a tug arrived from Berwick, and the shipwrecked men got on board and were conveyed ashore.

Although the sea was smooth the trawler commenced to break up at once, and half the vessel disappeared during the evening. The vessel was the trawler Scottish Prince, of North Shields, bound from Aberdeen to the fishing grounds..