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Katie Marie, and Harriet and John

At 1.10 P.M. on the 6th May the Coastguard reported that four of the Palling fishing-boats, which had been overtaken by a strong S.E. breeze, rough sea and heavy surf, were running towards Cromer, and trying to find a safe landing-place, the wind having risen very suddenly. As it was realized that the men's lives would be in danger if the boat came ashore in the heavy surf, the Life- boat Louisa Heartwell was launched.

On reaching the boats the Life-boat took three of them in tow •— the fourth boat having run on to Shering- ham—and towed them about a mile against the wind and tide towards Cromer. One of the fishermen, who was an elderly man and quite knocked up, was taken into the Life-boat, and two Life-boatmen were placed in each boat to assist in bringing them to a safe landing. The boats then ran ashore through the surf, the Life-boat standing by them until they were beached safely.

The cobles assisted were the Katie, Mary, and Harriet and John..