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Emma and John

.—-At 11 o'clock on the night of the 19th December, a message was received by telephone reporting that a vessel was making distress signals off the Hook Sands at the entrance of Poole Harbour. The Life-boat Hamar was promptly launched and proceeded to the Sands, where she found the barge Emma and John, of London. The barge was bound from London to Poole with a cargo of linseed cake. A strong easterly gale was blowing at the time, with a very heavy sea, and the two men on board were promptly taken into the Life-boat.

After leaving the barge it was ascer- tained that she was not making water.

The boat therefore returned to her and placed on board three Life-boatmen, together with the two hands. As the tide rose the Life-boatmen succeeded in getting the vessel afloat and, having set her sails, got her in safety to Poole Quay..