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Shortly after 9 P.M. on the 29th April a steamer was observed ashore about a mile to the north-west of Rhosneigir, and, as there was a heavy ground swell and the steamer was on a dangerous reef of rocks, the Life-boat Thomas LingJiam was launched. On reaching the vessel it was found that she was bumping very heavily, and, at the request of the captain, three ladies were taken into the Life-boat and landed at Rhosneigir. The Life-boat then returned to the vessel and stood by her until next morning. News of the casualty having reached Rhoscolyn the Life-boat Ramon Cabrera also pro- ceeded to the assistance of those on board, and remained with the vessel throughout the night. Next morning further assistance—namely, a salvage steamer-—arrived at the wreck, and, as the services of the Life-boats were no longer required, they returned to their respective stations. The vessel was the steamer Dunedin, of Leith, bound from Amsterdam to Liverpool with a general cargo, and with forty-nine persons on board..