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A Small Boat Belonging to The P&O Steam Cruiser Ophir

At 5.30 P.M. on the 27th December, when a rough sea was running off Southend, it was reported that a small boat was adrift and making signals of distress by means of a lantern. The crew of the Life-boat James Stevens No. 9 were at once assembled, and the Life-boat pro- ceeded to search for the drifting boat.

She succeeded in picking her up and brought her and her six occupants in safety to the pier. The boat belonged to the P. & O. steamer Ophir, which was at anchor off Southend, and it subsequently transpired that one of the officers and his wife and child were attempting to reach the vessel when the boat got into difficulties and was blown out to sea. The weather was very cold at the time, and when the people were saved they were in a half- frozen condition. After the Life-boat reached the pierhead the rescued people stated that they wished to be conveyed to the Ophir. The Life-boat, therefore, performed this service and then re- turned to her station..