A Small Boat Belonging to Livingstone
While the Life- boat Elliot Galer was out for her quarterly exercise, during a strong S.E. wind and rough sea on the 25th September, a small boat was sighted with four men in her. She was evi- dently in distress, and the Life-boat bore down on her and rescued the men.
They reported that they belonged to the steam tug Livingstone, of Blyth, which had been engaged in towing a disabled steamer. The tug sprang a leak, and shortly after the crew had taken to her boat she foundered. As soon as the men were in the Life-boat, the latter proceeded in search of the steamer.
She was discovered about two miles off, and the captain requested the Life-boat to obtain assistance to tow his vessel.
The vessel was the s.s. Burnock, of Glas- gow, bound from Middlesbrough to Grangemouth, with cargo. Help was obtained from the steam trawler Lord Kitchener, of Hartlepool, and the Life- boat effected communication between the two vessels; but the captain of the disabled steamer and the master of the trawler requested the Life-boat to accompany them to Middlesbrough in case the tow rope should part. The Life-boat therefore returned to Seaham, landed the four rescued men, and then put off again to the steamer. Middles- brough was eventually reached at 8 P.M.
after several mishaps to the tow ropes, but in each instance the Life-boat was able to get another rope aboard..