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The Lizard Life-Boat Station

WE feel sure that the accompanying illustration will prove of interest to our readers. It is a photograph taken on the occasion of the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York to the Lizard Life-boat, which was launched in their presence, under the supervision of Mr. C. M. Hart, the Honorary Secretary, on Monday, the 31st March.

The Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the crew before the boat was launched, and the Archbishop of York went out in the boat, and said a few encouraging words to the men on his return.

Reading from left to right, the photograph shows : The Archbishop of Canterbury; William Edward Mitchell, the present Archbishop takes tne keenest interest in its work.

We also publish, on another page, a very striking photograph of the Lizard boat at the moment when she is being beached on the return from service.

The illustration gives some idea of the terribly dangerous nature of this coast, which is approached by so many great liners.

the Coxswain of the Lizard Life-boat; the Archbishop of York; and Dr.

Boyd, Master of Hertford College, Oxford.

The photograph is the more interesting in view of the fact that, from the date of the foundation of the Institution in 1824, the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being has always been a Vice-President of the Institution; and I These considerations have influenced ! the Committee of Management in their 1 decision to form a Motor-boat Station j at this spot, although it will entail a i very heavy expenditure in the construcj tion of a suitable boathouse and slipway to deliver the boat into deep water.

j Fortunately, a generous friend of the Life-boat cause has promised to defray the cost of the Motor-boat..