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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 10th July, 1913.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Passed the following resolution :— " The Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, at their meeting to-day, resolved to place on record an expression of their sorrow at the death of the DUCHESS OP NORTHUMBERLAND, and of their heartfelt sympathy with their President in the irreparable loss which he has sustained. At the same time they have directed that a copy of this minute should be forwarded to His Grace." Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub - Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector on his visit to The Lizard; also his report on Stations on the East and South Coast of Ireland.

Decided to place Motor Life-boats at Rosslare Point and Dunmore East; and to then close the Cahore, Rosslare Harbour, and Fethard Stations.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District. — Stornoway, Whitehaven, and Mary port.

Eastern District. — Easington, Hornsea, Staithes, Runswick, Teesmouth, Redcar, Saltburn, Upgang, Whitby (two boats), Robin Hood's Bay, Flamborough (two boats), Bridlington, Filey, and Scarborough.

Southern District.—Margate (two boats), Worthing, Brighton, Dover, and Hythe.

Western District. — Holyhead (two boats), Criccieth, Pwllheli, Porthdinllaen, and Abersoch.

Irish District.—New Brighton (two boats), Hoylake, and Hilbre Island.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:—• Mr. E. P. WHITE (annual £ s. d. subscription) . . . . £ 5 0 In memory of the late Miss S. E . WHITE . . . . 25 75 - - THE CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY (annual subscription) . 21 MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL, Liverpool (donation from the boys) 12 - - His GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER (annual subscription) . 10 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also reported the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mrs. MATILDA SARAH FRY, of Camberwell . . . . 1000 - - The late Mr. JOSEPH GREENWOOD, of Stalybridge (to be used for general endowment purposes) . 135 2 - The late Miss LUCY HOUGH, of Ansdell (on account) . . . 100 - - The late Mrs. AQNES BLACK, of Lantern (on account) . . . 100 - - The late Miss MARTHA H. POWELL, of Wolverhampton (balance) . 24 2 9 Paid 5,68H. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted yjl. 19s. 9 2. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:—• Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Lowestoft . . Fishing-boat Surprise, of Lowestoft. Saved vessel a n d . . . . 4 Southend-on- Boat of S.S. Palma, of Sea Belfast. Saved boat and 10 The Holyhead Steam Life-boat saved the steam trawler Loroone, of Grimsby.

Also voted 451. 14s. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Bull Bay, Oemlyn, Newhaven, Padstow No. 2, Skegness, Sunderland.

Voted 61. to four men for putting off in a boat and, at great risk, saving one of four men whose boat was capsized just outside Cardigan Bar on the 23rd June.

The boat capsized in a very rough sea, and the salvors were obliged to pull through a very heavy surf to reach her. They succeeded in saving one of the men, who was clinging to the boat in a very exhausted condition, but the other three had unfortunately disappeared before help could reach them.

Also awarded 31. to six other men who made a gallant attempt to rescue the endangered men, but who were obliged to return ashore on account of their boat being nearly capsized and filled with water.

Voted 41. to eight men for putting off in a motor fishing-boat and saving the fishing smack, Eileen Aroon, and her crew of seven hands, near Badger Island, Gascanane Sound, on the 30th May. A moderate N.W. gale suddenly sprang up when the fishing-boats were at sea, and a squall dismasted the Eileen Aroon when she was under full sail. The vessel anchored on a dangerous lee shore, and the salvors proceeded from Baltimore to her assistance and towed her into safety.

Voted 11. 10s. to six men for putting off in two boats and saving two persons in moderate weather near Ilfracombe on the 16th June.

The two men in a fishing-boat were washed on to a rock. The men scrambled on to the rock for safety, and the boat drifted away in a damaged condition. As the tide was flowing and the rock would have been covered in the course of an hour, one of the men burnt one of his garments as a signal of distress, in response to which the salvors put off and, at moderate risk, saved them.

Voted 10s. to a man for his promptness in saving three persons, whose boat capsized one and a half miles from Buckhaven Harbour in a moderate breeze and choppy sea on the 23rd April. Had it not been for the promptness of the salvor, the men would undoubtedly have been drowned.

Monday, 14th July, 1913.


The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Decided to purchase ground for additional accommodation for the Storeyard.

Thursday, 14th August, 1913.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.C., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the two previous meetings.

The following resolution was moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Deputy-Chairman, and carried:— " The Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION have received with sorrow the news of the death of their late Chairman, Colonel Sir FITZROY CLAYTON, K.C.V.O., Vice-President of the Institution. His invaluable services rendered with whole-hearted devotion for j fifty years, as Member of Committee, and | successively Deputy-Chairman and Chairman, j have left an ineffaceable impression on the i Life-boat Service, and his kindness of heart j and unselfish consideration for others will not j cease to be borne in affectionate remembrance by all who knew him." Appointed the Hon. GEORGE C. COLVILLE a Trustee of the Institution, vice the late Colonel Sir FiTzRoY CLAYTON.

The Committee expressed their sincere sympathy with Colonel the Right Hon. JOHN E. BERNARD SEELY, D.S.O., M.P., in the irreparable loss which he had incurred in the death of Mrs. SEELY.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Lossiemouth, Cromarty, Buckle, Banff and Macduff, Fraserburgh, Montrose (two boats), Gourdon, Johnshaven, Hauxley, Cresswell, Newbiggin, and North j Sunderland.

Eastern District. — Whitburn, Seaham, Sunderland (two boats), Hartlepool (three boats), Seaton Carew, Brancaster, and Hunstanton.

Southern District. — Shoreham, Littlehampton, Folkestone, Yealm River, Plymouth, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Lyme Regis, Exmouth, Brixham, Torquay, Teignmouth, Eastbourne (two boats), Hastings, and Newhaven.

Western District.—Angle, Appledore, St.

Mary's, St. Agnes, St. David's, and Barry Dock.

Irish District.— Greenore, Formby, Lytham, ! Ballycotton, Youghal, and Queenstown.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— £ s. d. I The THOBNQATE TBUSTEES i (annual subscription) . . . 80 - - Miss HOYT 50 - - ! COURT Fountain of Friendship, I No. 2634, A.O.F. Collected at i Church Parade, Snodland, | Kent (per Mr. H. T. BEABLE) 7 12 - —To be severally thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. WILLIAM YATES, of Shepperton, to provide a Lifeboat to be named William Yates 1350 - - The late Misses MABY, MARGARET, HANNAH and HELEN DALGETY and Mrs. ISABELLA JAMIESON DALGETY or WILSON, of Edinburgh (on account) . . . 1000 - - The late Mr. THOMAS YATES, of Liverpool (per Liverpool Branch) 224 13 8 The late Mr. FREDERiCK KITCHEN, £ s. d.

of Carnarvon (further on account, for the new Motor Life-boat for Beaumaris) . . 211 18 3 Also eighty £1 Preference Shares of the Grain Elevating and Automatic Weighing Company.

The late Mr. HENRY JACOBS, of Newton Abbot 200 - - The late Mrs. ELIZA DICKSON, of Newbury 100 - - The late Mr. JOHN THOMAS HAIGH, of Huddersfield . . 100 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM McCuNN, of Largs. One year's maintenance of the Stronsay Life-boat, John Ryburn 100 - - The late Mr. F. W. N. LLOYD, of Bromley, Kent (additional interest) 15 1 4 The late Mrs. MATILDA SABAH FEY, of Camberwell (interest) 4 - 5 Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM JONES, for his good services as Honorary Secretary of the Rhosneigir Station.

He had recently retired after twenty-one years' service.

The Committee learnt, with great regret, of the death of Mr. WILLIAM TREGARTHEN DOUGLASS, who was for twenty-five years their Engineer and Architect, and they expressed their sincere sympathy with the family in the sudden and severe loss which they had sustained.

Paid 2,9222. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 951. 6s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Caister No. 1 . S.S. Wrexham, of Grimsby. Stood by vessel.

Cemaes . . Yacht Acorn, of Rothesay.

Rendered assistance.

Filey . . . A coble of Filey . . . 10 Runswick . . Coble Sapora Elizabeth, of Whitby. Saved coble and . . . . 6 St. David's Schooner Pearl, of (Motor) Aberystwyth . . . 5 Padstow Steam Tug assisted to save the S.S. Chariton, of Andros.

Also voted 75Z. 15s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Littlehampton, Margate No, 1, New Brighton (Steam), Palling No. 2, and Point of Ayr.

Voted 631. 8s. to men injured in the Lifeboat service at Selsey and Torquay.

Voted the Thanks of the institution, together with the sum of 51., to Mr. WILLIAM EGBERTS for his gallant conduct in saving the occupant of a small yacht, which had been driven into the breakers off Aberdaron during a strong southerly gale on the 30th May.

The occupant of the boat was a man of 70 years of age, and unable to help himself.

Roberts, realizing the man's great peril, without waiting to divest himself of any of his clothing, rushed into the sea, and, swimming to the yacht, succeeded in rescuing the endangered man. In addition to incurring great risk of losing his own life Roberts completely spoilt his suit of clothes.

Voted II. to two men for putting off in a boat and, at slight risk, saving three persons from the fishing-boat Lizzie, which was dismasted and drifting towards a dangerous reef of rocks near Ballycotton on the 25th July.

There was only one oar on the endangered boat at the time, and the promptness of the salvors saved the boat and her occupants.

Reported the receipt of the following Thursday, llth September, 1913.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Also read the minutes of the Special Sub- Committee appointed to consider the appointment of a new District Inspector.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:—• Northern District. — Holy Island (two boats), Campbeltown, Machrihanish, South- j end, Troon, and Irvine. j Eastern District.—Cambois, Blyth, Spurn, Easington, Southwold (two boats), Gorleston (two boats), and Winterton (two boats).

Southern District.—North Deal, Kingsdowne, Ramsgate, St. Helier, St. Peter Port, Weymouth, Southsea, Hayling Island, Bernbridge, Cadgwith, Goverack, Porthoustock, The Lizard, Porthleven.

Irish District.—Courtmacsherry, Tramore, Helvick Head, Killough, Castletown, Peel, Douglas, Port Erin, Ramsey, Port St. Mary, and Southport.

Appointed Lieut. H. G. Innes, R.N., a District Inspector of Life-boats.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution since the previous meeting:— The MARINE ENGINEERS' Asso- £ s. d.

CLAYTON, LTD 24 11 8 —To be thanked.

The late Mrs. EMILY SELINA £ s. d.

ARTHUR, of Exmouth . . . 200 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM JAMES RUSSELL, of Hayes, Kent . . 100 - - The late Mrs. MARY STEVENSON, of Thornton Heath . . . . 100 - - The late Mrs. MARY ANN ROUTLEDGE.

Balance (per York Branch) 34 6 7 The late Mrs. ELIZA GRAYSON, of Canterbury 20 - - Reported that the Ardrossan new Life-boat had been despatched to her station.

Paid 4,173Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 30Z. 9s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat service :— Iiyes Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Sennen Cove . S.S. /. Duncan, of Cardiff.

Landed 2 and rendered assistance.

Harwich Steam Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Christabel, of Whitstable.

Also voted 105Z. 4s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Brighton, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Donna Nook, Dunbar, Point of Ayr, Selsey, Sennen Cove, and Tenby.

Voted 30Z. 10s. to a man injured in the Life-boat service at Newhaven.

Voted 11. 2s. 6d. to three men for their promptness in putting off in a boat and saving two persons who were in danger in a small pleasure boat, off Shoreham, on the 23rd July. When the salvors reached the boat she was half full of water, one and a half miles from the shore, and her occupants were exhausted.

Voted 11. to two men for their promptness in saving a party of four visitors, consisting of two men and two women, who were in difficulties in Ballycotton Bay on the 22nd August. There was a strong breeze and a rough sea at the time, and one of the oars in the boat was broken. When the occupants of the boat were saved she was drifting towards the rocks and in danger of being swamped.

Also 11. to two men for promptly saving, at slight risk, three men whose boat had capsized and sunk off Tramore when sailing in a race on the 21st August. There was a strong W.S.W. breeze with a rough sea, and the salvors, who were in the mark boat, slipped their cable and rowed to the assistance of the endangered men, whom they saved.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on 2nd February, 1914.