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P. M. Willcock

.—At 3.10A.M.

on the 28th March the Coastguard reported that a vessel was ashore in Youghal Bay, about three miles to the S.W. of the station. A strong S.E.

gale prevailed at the time, with a very heavy and broken sea; the Life-boat Marianne L. Hay was therefore launched and proceeded to her. When crossing the bar, a very heavy sea struck the Life-boat, breaking on board, and in addition to breaking four of the oars, washed one of the crew overboard. A rope was at once thrown to him, and fortunately he was saved. When the Life-boat reached the vessel, it was found that the crew of three hands had taken refuge in the rigging. The Life-boat at once went alongside and successfully rescued them. The boat then returned to her station, but, owing to the heavy sea and to the wind having died down, the whole of the journey had to be done under oars. The vessel was the ketch P. M. Willcock, of Aberystwyth, bound from Portmadoc to New Ross, co. Wexford. with a cargo of slates.

Shortly after the crew had been rescued, the mizen mast went by the board, and the ketch showed every indication of becoming a total wreck..