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King George In a Motor Life-Boat

IP a motor boat could speak, the Beaumaris motor Life - boat, which should reach her station shortly after this article is in print, would be able to make a boast which few of her sister boats could equal, and which should prove a source of inspiration and encouragement to the Coxswain and crew of Beaumaris. For, on the 6th August last, His Majesty the King honoured the Institution by taking a trip on the Frederick Kitchener at Cowes, where the boat had arrived on her journey round the coast after her sea trials at Harwich.

The visit took place during the Cowes week, and the King, who was attended by an equerry, spent a considerable time on the trip, during which every detail of the boat's construction was explained by the Right Hon.

Arnold Morley and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bart., M.P., two members of the Committee of Management, who went out with His Majesty, Commander Thomas Holmes, R.N. (Chief Inspector of Life-boats), being in command of the boat, accompanied by Lieut. Drury, R.N.R., District Inspector.

The Beaumaris boat, which was built by the Thames Iron Works Co., Ltd., is a 43 ft. by 12ft. 6 in. boat of the Watson type, and is provided with a 60-H.P. Tylor engine, giving a speed of about 7J knots an hour. The boat is provided with a Gardner No. 4 reverse gear.

After the King had taken a trip in the Life-boat he visited the works of Messrs. S. E. Saunders, Ltd., at East Cowes, where the Life-boats of the Institution are now being constructed.

While the Life-boat was at Cowes, awaiting the completion of the works at Beaumaris, she was visited by a number of prominent yachtsmen and others interested in the Life-boats of the Institution. Among those who visited the boat were :—The Duke and Duchess of Somerset; The Marquis of Ormonde ; The Marquis of Ailsa ; Lord Charles Beresford ; Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., M.P.; The Hon, George and Lady Cynthia Colville; Sir Allen Young; Admiral and Mrs. De Horsey; Mrs.

Mark Kerr; Mr. Cave; Lord Redosdale ; Captain Cave ; Mr. Mitford ; Mr.

and Mrs. De Bathe; Major and Mrs.

Ames ; Miss Hood ; Lord Normanton ; Sir Charles and Lady Swettenham; Lord and Lady Arthur Butler and the Hon. Miss Butler; Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Drummond; Mrs. and Miss | Cunningham Graham; Mrs. Coats; i Captain Coleridge; The Hon. Mrs.

Arthur Coke; Mr. and Mrs. F. F.

Tower ; Lieut. Tower, R.N..