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At 11 P.M.

on the 26th January signals were observed from the Newarp Light-vessel, and in response the No. 2 Life-boat Elinor Brown was launched. On reaching the Light-vessel, it was found that the brigantine Wilma, of Bremerhaven, while bound from Bremen to Yarmouth with a cargo of oil-cake, had collided with the Light-vessel, and the crew of five hands were taking refuge on board the latter.

They reported that the steamer was adrift and that the captain was still on board. The five men were taken into the Life-boat, which then proceeded to search for the missing vessel. Flares were burnt by the Life-boatmen to show their position, and in response a tug came to them and stated that the ship had been picked up and was then in safety. As there was nothing further to be done, the Life-boat returned to Winterton..