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The S.S. Strathroy

At 10.15 P.M. on the 13th February a message was received from the Coast- guard stating that a large steamer was ashore at Street Gate, four miles below Dartmouth. A very dense fog prevailed at the time, and the crew of the Life- boat were quickly assembled. In tow of a tug the boat proceeded to the scene of the wreck, and guided by the fog- horn on Berry Head they were able to shape their course. They arrived at Start Bay at 2 A.M., and the tug anchored while the Life-boat cast off and searched along the shore for the stranded steamer. So dense was the fog that it was not until 5 A.M. that the Life- boat discovered the steamer and got alongside. She proved to be the s.s.

Strathroy, of Glasgow, bound from London to Buenos Ayres with a general cargo. The second Coxswain boarded the vessel while the Life-boat returned to the tug and brought her to the stranded vessel. The Life-boat stood by until daylight and then assisted in an attempt to get the steamer off. As, however, all attempts to move the steamer proved futile, and the services of the boat were no longer required, she re- turned to her station, where she arrived at about five o'clock in the afternoon..