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Wreck of the S.S. "Veronese."

IT was with signal pleasure that all friends of the Life-boat cause heard of the gallant and successful efforts made by the brave fishermen and boatmen of the Portuguese Life-boat Society in rescuing 200 persons from the ill-fated S.S. Veronese, which was wrecked two miles north of Leixoes on the 16th January last.

It may be of interest to give the following details:— The Veronese, which was bound for Brazil in the Argentine, left Liverpool with 20 passengers, and picked up 119 more at Vigo, which was left on the 15th January. She struck the rocks to the north of Leixoes Roads. Owing to the enormous seas which swept over the vessel, it was impossible to use the lines carried out to her by the rockets from the shore, or for the Life-boats to approach near enough to take anyone off. Nor could any assistance be given by the Royal Mail steamer Vauban, or the Hollandia. Eventually, however, the breeches buoy was got on board at 7 P.M., and the work of rescuing the passengers was at once begun. Opera- tions were continued uninterruptedly for two days and two nights, and when the sea had made it possible for the Life-boats to approach the stranded vessel, the latter took part in the work of rescue, the result being that 200 persons were rescued. Unfortunately, before the breeches buoy was secured, 16 lives were lost through a cable breaking.

The Committee of Management, being ever anxious to recognise the good work of those who are engaged in the common task of humanity, which it is the privilege of the Institution to perform, caused enquiry to be made from the Portuguese Life-saving Society as to whether the work of rescue had been entirely carried out by their own men.

Having received an assurance to that effect, the Committee, at their meeting held on the 13th February, the Bight Hon. the Earl Waldegrave in the chair, passed the following resolution, which was conveyed to the Secretary of the Institute de Soccorros a Naufragos :— "The Committee of Management, having had before them a communication from the Secretary of the Institute de Soccorros a Naufragos of Portugal with regard to the circumstances attending the wreck of the S.S. Veronese on the 16th January, two miles north of Leixoes, desire to express their sincere admiration of the courage, initiative and endurance of the brave men employed by the Portuguese Society both in connexion with the rocket apparatus and the Life- boats, the former of whom rescued 98 persons and the latter 102 persons, in circumstances of the greatest difficulty and danger, and by dint of exertions carried out, without inter- ruption, for two days and two nights." As stated in our issue of May, 1912, the Portuguese Life-boat Society controls both the Life-boat and the life-saving apparatus. There are 31 Life-boats, two of which are equipped with auxiliary motors..