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Two Generous Soldiers

IT is very pleasant to be able to publish the following letter, which gives good proof of the generous spirit which so often animates those who are ready to assist in saving life without any thought of fee or reward. The signatories are two of the five privates of the King's Own Scottish Borderers, who promptly responded to the call for help from Dr. Fraser, our excellent honorary secretary at Berwick-on-Tweed, on the occasion of the launch of the Matthew Simpson to the assistance of the Jacob Bauers on the 29th March, when the Life-boat saved the lives of eleven men of this Swedish barque. When launched the boat stuck temporarily, and although the honorary secretary went into the water with several helpers to move her, she could not be got into deep water.

Hundreds of people were standing looking on, but no one came forward in response to Dr. Fraser's appeal except five soldiers, who thus did honour to themselves and to the King's uniform, and gave a much-needed example of the spirit of national service. These facts lend additional emphasis to the generosity of these two soldiers.

" Barracks, " Berwick-on-Tweed.

" SIE,—We, the undermentioned, beg to thank you for the present of five shillings each sent for our services in connexion with the recent launching of the Life-boat. As our services were quite voluntary, and what assistance we rendered was in our opinion a public duty, we would prefer not to accept payment for our services. We now return a sum of eight shillings, which we would suggest be placed with the Life-boat funds. You will notice that we have retained the sum of one shilling each. With this we wish to purchase some small souvenir of the occasion of our assisting in the launch of the Life-boat.

"Yours obediently, (Signed) "R. BROWN, " Lance-Corporal.

"T. GORMLEY, " Private.".