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Three Brothers, Shamrock, Spray, Yorkshire Lass, Friends

.—A gale sprang up on the morning of the 26th November, from the S.S.W., and later backed to the southward, and increased in force. Two small cobles were seen making for the harbour, and a larger coble went off and assisted them into safety. Later in the morning the weather got worse, and five of the larger coblea ran for shelter under the land off Hornsea. As the vessels were in considerable danger, it was decided to launch the George and Jane Walker Life-boat to their assistance. The Life- boat fell in with the first of the boats* about two miles south of the harbour, and stood by her until she succeeded in getting into safety ; she then stood by the other boats while they came through the heavy sea, the last one having a very narrow escape of foundering when off the end of the pier. The rocket apparatus was also in attendance, ready to help the cobles had it been necessary.

The cobles assisted were the Three Brothers, Shamrock, Spray, Yorkshire Lass, and Friends of Bridlington..