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The Suction Dredger Porteur

The motor Life-boat Charterhouse was called out during a whole N.N.W. gale and very heavy sea on the 21st October, to the assistance of the suction-dredger Porteur, of London, which had been at anchor in Fishguai'd Harbour, but was cast adrift by the steamer St. Patrick fouling her moorings when coining into harbour.

The dredger drifted outside the eastern breakwater in the direction of Saddle Point, where she finally struck and lay badly holed. The Life-boat was most prompt in rendering assistance, and took off the two men who were on board and brought them safely into harbour.

Owing to the severity of the gale, and the large number of vessels anchored in the Bay, it was decided to keep the Life-boat ready for any emergency throughout the night, and she was not returned to her house until next morning..