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The S.S. Augoustis

At 3 A.M.

on the morning of the 30th November the Coastguard at Clovelly received a telephone message from Lundy Island, to the effect that a steamer was showing flares about five miles E. by S. of Lundy.

The Life-boat Elinor Boget was promptly launched and proceeded to the spot indi- cated, and there found the s.s. Auyoustis, of Andros, riding very heavily in a dis- abled condition with both her anchors down. The Captain stated that the crew did not wish to leave the ship, and he asked the boat to stand by until some other vessel came to his assistance, as he was desirous of saving his steamer if possible. Towards daybreak, when the Life-boat had been in attendance for about four and a half hours, a tug- boat arrived on the scene and, com- munication having been effected, she was able to take the disabled steamer in tow. When the Life-boat proceeded to the assistance of the vessel a gale was blowing, but fortunately when the tug took the steamer in tow the weather had moderated somewhat..