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The Passenger Steamer Nottingham

During thick weather on the llth December a vessel was observed ashore on the Scroby Sands, opposite to the Life-boat station.

There was a strong breeze blowing, and a ground swell on the Sands. The crew of the No. 1 Life-boat Covent Garden were at once assembled, and the boat proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the passenger steamer Nottingham, of Grimsby, belonging to the Great Central Railway Co. At the time of the accident she was carrying twelve passengers and a crew of twenty-six hands. The Coxswain of the Life-boat asked the Captain if he required any assistance, and he replied that he would wait until high water, as if he failed to get clear he would engage the services of the Life-boatmen to assist him.

Later in the day it was necessary to do this, and at 7.30 P.M. the Life-boatmen succeeded in floating the steamer, and accompanied her into Yarmouth Roads, where she was anchored..