Advanced search

Pearl, Ellen Harrison, Ford Fisher and Isabella

At about 5 P.M. on the llth November, during a northerly gale, signals of distress were seen from the schooner Pearl, of Chester, which was bound from Con- nah's Quay to Dublin with a cargo of fire-clay. The Life-boat Charles and Eliza Laura was promptly launched and rescued the crew of five men in a very heavy sea. After the crew of the Pearl had been landed and prepara- tions were being made to haul the Life-boat up on the slipway, a flare was observed on another vessel. The boat, therefore, proceeded to sea again and found the schooner Ellen Harrison, of Barrow, was in difficulties. While she was taking off the crew of four hands, signals were sent up from the schooner Ford Fisher, of Barrow, which was at anchor near at hand. The boat there- fore proceeded to her and took off the five men on board, bringing them ashore in safety at about 6 P.M. At about 8 P.M. further distress signals were seen, and the Life-boat succeeded in rescuing the crew of four persons, belonging to the schooner Isabella, of Barrow, which was close to the other vessels, and was in considerable danger owing to the severity of the weather.

At the time of the rescue it was very dark, but the work was well and expeditiously carried out by the Life- boatmen..