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Caller Ou and Restless Ocean

Shortly after 9 A.M., on the 26th November, a telegram was received stating that a boat was being driven towards Arbroath, and suggesting that a look-out should be kept for her. A watch was accord- ingly set, and about a quarter of an hour later a boat was seeil coming round Whiting Ness. A very heavy gale was blowing from the S.E., and the sea was rather rough, and, as it was realised that the boat would have considerable difficulty in making Arbroath Harbour, the Life-boat James Stevens No. 13 was launched. After the Life-boat had pro- ceeded to sea another boat was observed also coming round Whiting Ness. The Life-boat sailed out until she reached the boats, and then accompanied them across the Bar, and saw them safely into harbour. Without the Life-boat it would have been difficult for the boats to have got into safety. Both the boats belonged to Arbroath, and were named the Caller Ou and Restless Ocean..