— At 3.45 P.M. on the 26th December the Coxswain saw a schooner making for Swansea Harbour, and while doing so she took the ground on the east side of the east pier. A heavy N.W. gale was blowing at the time with a very heavy sea. The Life-boat Charlie Med- land was promptly launched and pro- ceeded to the schooner, which proved to be the Alice, of Dunkirk, laden -with coal. When the Life-boat reached the vessel the steam pilot cutter Beaufort was in attendance, endeavouring to pass a rope on board, and this was success- fully accomplished. Shortly afterwards the tow-rope carried away and the vessel drifted to leeward. The Life- boat at once went alongside and took off two of the crew, but almost imme- diately afterwards the Beaufort got another tow-rope secured, and she was able to take the vessel and the re- mainder of the crew into safety..