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SEATON CAKEW, DUBHAM, AND TEES- MOUTH, YORKSHIRE.—On the morning of the 1st April a Greek steamer of about 1,500 tons, named the Mikelis, and belonging to Argostoii, attempted to enter the Tees, bound for Middles- brough in ballast. Her steering gear broke down and she was driven by the strong N.N.E. gale on to the " North Gare." The Seaton Carew Life-boat Francis Whitbourn and the Teesuiouth motor Life-boat were sent to the assistance of the men on board and reached the steamer shortly after 9 A.M. She was in no immediate danger and the tide was beginning to flow. At the request of the Captain the Life-boats stood by the steamer until 3.30 P.M. By that time the vessel had drifted up the river and again grounded.

As the engine-room was filling with water the fires were drawn, and the majority of the crew decided to go ashore. Eight men were placed in each boat and landed. During this service the Life-boatmen suffered considerably from exposure and the Committee granted them an additional reward.

For several hours they were obliged to remain in the boats without any pro- tection; the weather was bitterly cold with sleet showers and a strong N.N.E.

gale prevailed..