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Vasilefs Georgios and Kildonan

At 1.30 A.M. on the 10th February, during a moderate S.S.W. gale the Coastguard reported to the Coxswain of the Life-boat John Wesley, that rockets had been observed in Barry Roads.

The Life-boat was launched and found the Greek steamer Vasilefs Georgios of Andros, lying at anchor, having been run into by the steamer KUdonan. The Captain requested the Coxswain to stand by the ship as the fore-hold was filling. At 3 A.M. the boat returned to Barry to ascertain if the steamer could be docked. On her return to the ship the Captain again expressed a desire for the boat to stand by; she accordingly .did so until 8.30 A.M. She then pro- ceeded again to Barry with a message and was re-housed..