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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

THURSDAY, l11th April, 1912.

The Bight Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., was unanimously elected Chairman and SIR JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., C.M.G., V.P., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution for the ensuing year.

SIR JOHN CAMERON LAMB having taken the Chair, in the absence of LORD WALDE- GRAVE, the Members of the Sub-Committee were elected for the current year.

Bead and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Bead the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Stornaway, Anstruther, Peterhead and Port Enroll.

Eastern District.—Cromer.

Southern District.—Shoreham, New Rom- ney, St. Helier, St. Peter Port, Bembridge, Hayling Island, Southsea, Selsey, Brighton, Newhaven and Southend-on-Sea.

Western District.—Padstow (two boats and steam-tug), Newquay (Cornwall), St. Mary's, St. Agnes, Hayle, Burnham, Watchet, Mine- head, Barry Dock and Fishguard.

Irish District. — Courtmacsherry, Bally- cotton, Youghal, Fenit, Poolbeg, Port St. Mary, Castletown, Peel, Ramsey and Douglas.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— £. s.-d.

Miss WRIGLEY 50 - - Ditto (annual subscripton) 1 - - Lady ALICE FITZWILLIAM ... 10 10 - Mrs. MARY WATSON .... 10 10 - THE FRIENDLY BROTHERS OF ST. PATRICK, London Knot (per Dr. A. W. Oxford) 10 10 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mrs. SARAH LIETCH, of &. s. d.

Carlton Hill, W 1004 10 4 The late Mr. D. MYERS, of Mid- dleton Square, E.C 200 - - The late Mr. E. A. DREW, of Braughing 100 - - The late Mr. J. H. HEATH, of Portsmouth 10 - - Voted the best thanks of the Committee to Mr. WALTER J. VAUGHAN in acknowledg- ment of his long and valuable services, extend- ing over 24 years, as Honorary Secretary of the Fishguard Branch.

Paid 4,3252. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 2492. 3s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Eastbourne P. & O. Steamer Oceana, of No. 2 Belfast . . . . .21 Eyemouth . Coble Grace Darling, of Burnmouth. Rendered assistance.

Filey. . . Twelve cobles of Filey.

Stood by cobles.

Hope Cove . Schooner Sidney Smith, of Portmadoc .... 2 Newbiggin . Nine cobles of Newbiggin.

Stood by cobles.

Coble Louisa, of New- biggin. Saved coble and 4 Twelve cobles of New- biggin. Stood by cobles.

Newhaven . P. & 0. steamer Oceana.

Saved 42 and assisted to save . 20 S.S. St. Malo, of St.Nazaire.

Rendered assistance.

Newlyn . . S.S. South America, of London. Stood by vessel.

St. Abbs . Four fishing boats of St.

Abbs. Stood by vessel.

Ketch Colonel Moir. Stood by vessel.

Sennen Cove Trawler Condor, of Brix- ham. Stood by vessel.

Also voted 5722. 17s. Gd. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Angle, Ather- field, Berwick-on-Tweed, Broadstairs, Burn- ham, Cadgwith, Caister No. 1, Castletown, Coverack, Dunbar, Formby, Harwich (Steam), Hayle, Hilbre Island, Hoylake, The Lizard, Newlyn, Newquay (Cornwall), New Brighton (Steam), North Deal, Padstow No. 2, Palling, Plymouth, Point of Ayr, Porthleven, Robin Hood's Bay, Sennen Cove, Tenby, Walton-on- Naze, Whitby No. 1, Winterton.

Also 272. 3s. to a man injured on service in the Arbroath Life-boat.

Voted the Silver Medal to DAVID LOWRIE, JOHN HUTCHISON, ALAN A. WALKER, and THOMAS LOWTH, Miners and Crane Drivers at Methil, Fifeshire; the thanks of the Institu- tion engrossed on vellum, and a Binocular Glass each, suitably inscribed, to Mr. THOMAS McMiLLAN, Dock Works Manager, and Mr.

ROBERT MCALPINE, Junior, Contractor; an Aneroid Barometer and 32. each to Police Sergeant ROBERT CLYDESDALE, and Constable JAMBS WILSON, in recognition of their gallant services in rescuing seventeen of the crew of the S.S. Ashgrove, of Glasgow, which was totally wrecked on Methil Dock Sea Wall, in a whole S.E. gale and very heavy sea on the 16th January. A tremendous sea was break- ing over the wall, and the storm was described as the worst ever experienced at Methil. In spite of the enormous risk incurred, the four men, on whom the Medal was bestowed, fought their way through the heavy seas to the top of the parapet of the sea wall, and it was due to their efforts that so many men were saved. The work of rescue was greatly assisted by the other men who also went out on to the wall and exposed themselves to considerable risk.

Voted a Binocular Glass and 32. each to JOHN HENDERSON, Assistant Lightkeeper, and WILLIAM L. ANDERSON, Boatman at Whalsey Skerries Lighthouse, Shetland Islands: also an Aneroid Barometer and 32. each to three fishermen, named Andrew Johnson, David Anderson and Peter Anderson, for their bravery in rescuing two of the crew of seven hands of the barquentiue Advena of Kalmar, which was wrecked on 18th January.

The two lighthouse men put off in a 12-foot boat, but had to return for assistance. The wreck occurred at 4.40 p.m. (dark) in a strong S.S.E. gale, and in what is described as a " raging sea." The salvors incurred great risk, and the danger was increased by quantities of floating wreckage.

Voted 102. 10s. to seven men for putting off in a boat and landing the crew of five men of the trawler Via of Brixham, which was in a dangerous position off St. Peter Port, Guernsey, in a S.SrE. gale and rough sea, on the 10th February.

Also 32. to four men for their promptness in saving four men whose boat was swamped and capsized in a strong S.W. breeze and rough sea, in Youghal Bay, on the 16th March.

One of the men when picked up was in a state of collapse.

THURSDAY, 9th May, 1912.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Bead the reports of the Deputy Chief Inspector on his visits to the Clacton-on-Sea, Harwich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Broadstairs, Kingsdowne, Walmer and Hayling Island Life-boat Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations :— Northern District.—Newburgh, Stonehaven, North Berwick, Southend, Campbeltown, Ardroasan, Troon, Irvine and Girvan.

Eastern District.—Yarmouth, Caister (two boats), Lowestoft (two boats), Gorleston (two boats), Flamborough (two boats), and Bridlington Quay.

Southern District. — Coverack, Cadgwith, Porthoustock, The Lizard, Porthleven, Plymouth, Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the- Naze, Newhaven, Ryde and Dungeness (two boats).

Western District.—Bude, Port Isaac, Fish- guard, Porthdinllaen, Abersoch, Criccieth, Pwllheli, Burry Port, Ferryside, The Mumbles, Barmouth, Aberystwith, New Quay (Cardigan), and Cardigan.

Irish District. — Port Erin, Rosslare Harbour, Fethard, Kilmpre, Wexford, Dun- more East, Tramore, Kingstown, Wicklow, Hilbre Island, Hoylake and New Brighton.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— The Bight Hon. the EARL OF £ s. d.

ROSEBERY, K.G 50 - - LORD CREW'S Trustees (annual subscription) 30 - - " G." (annual subscription) . 10 - - ST. ALBAN'S, Holborn, Lenten Contribution from Children (per the Bev. W. A. Pearkes, M.A.) 66- TETTENHALL CHURCH Collection (per Mr. John Parks) ... 5 15 11 B.M.S. "ATBATO," Collected on voyage (per Mr. J.G.Hammond) 5 15 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. J. G. J. PIDDINQTON, of Mauritius (on account) . . 500 - - The late Mr. John KJERSHAW, of Hanover Court, W 450 - - The late Miss ISABEL JULIA CBELY, of Tregunter Road, South Kensington .... 300 - - The late Miss H. H. SUTOLIFP, of Besborough Gardens, S.W. . 270 - - The late Mrs. MABY WILLIAMSON, of Stalybridge 202 6 3 The late Mrs. ABTN E. WALKER, of Kirk Michael, Isle of Man (per Douglas Branch) 200 - - The late Miss SABAH MATTHEWS, of Headingley 143 2 6 The late Mrs. S. A. EDWARDS, of Margate 100 - - The late Mrs. H. H. THOMPSON, of Pontefract 100 - - The late Dr. W. D. KINGDON, of Heavitree 50 - - The late Miss D. M. REID, of &. s. d.

Edinburgh 50 - - The late Mr. EDMUND LYTHGOE, of Melbourne (further on account) 16 19 1 Decided to close the Broadstairs, Harwich No. 1 and Walmer Stations.

Paid 5,479/. for sundry charges in connection with various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 1531. 3s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— [iyeg Lite-boat. Vessel. saved.

Berwick-on- Pour cobles of Spittal and Tweed Berwick. Stood by cobles.

Cullercoats . Coble Hannah Taylor, of Cullercoats. Saved boat and 4 Hartlepool Schooner Fanny Grosfield, No. 2. of Barrow. Stood by vessel.

Hartlepool Schooner Fanny Grosfield, No. 3. of Barrow. Stood by vessel.

Kingstown . Schooner Hearty, of Wex- ford. Stood by vessel.

Mablethorpe Barge Cecila, of London.

Landed 3.

Montrose A salmon coble of Mont- No. 1. rose 4 North Coble Thanksgiving, of Sunderland Sunderland. Stood by coble.

Coble Good Samaritan, of Beadnell. Stood by coble.

Ketch Resolute, of New-1 castle. I g A coble of North Sunder- ( land. J Scarborough Coble Lionel, of Scar- borough. Saved coble and 2 Seaton Carew S.S. Mikelis, of Argostoli.

Landed 8.

Teesmouth S.S. Mikelis, of Argostoli.

Landed 8.

The Walton-on-Naze Life-boat saved the barge Dorothea, of Harwich, and 6.

Also voted 164Z. 17s. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Arbroath, Barry Dock, Donaghadee, Dungeness No. 1, Filey, Fishguard, Praserburgh, Lowestoft No. 1, Penmon, Southend-on-Sea, Stronsay, Teesmouth, Whitby No. 1, and Wicklow.

Also 291. Is. 6d. to men injured on service in the Blackpool and Montrose Life-boats.

Granted an additional reward to the crews of the Seaton Carew and Teesmouth Life- boats for an arduous service, in very rough and cold weather, to the S.S. Mikelis, of Argostoli.

Voted a Binocular Glass to HENTY J. NEWMAN, Master of the Steam Trawler Lahore et Bonore, and 21. each to three men of the crew, for saving twelve of the crew of the S.S. Hellopes, which foundered in Mount's Bay, near Newlyn, in a strong gale and very heavy sea, on the 21st December. The steamer at the time was in imminent danger of foundering, and the master of the trawler sent his small boat manned by three men to save the crew. In performing the rescue the salvors incurred great risk.

Voted 41. to four men for saving three fishermen, whose boat was capsized, in a heavy sea, off Duncannon, Co. Wexford, on the night of the 26th March. The risk incurred was moderate and the salvors lost their night's fishing.

Voted 181. to twelve men for putting off in two large fishing boats and, at great risk, saving the ketch Good Samaritan, and her crew of two hands, in a strong N.E. gale and heavy sea on the 10th April. When the salvors reached the vessel she was disabled, and in a sinking condition, and it was only after 8J hours constant baling and towing that they succeeded in getting the vessel into harbour.

Also 11. 2s. Gd. to three men for saving two boys who had been blown out to sea in a small boat, off Sunderland, in a W.N.W. gale and moderate sea, on the 5th April. The boat was in great danger and half swamped, and, had it not been for the timely assistance rendered by the men, the boys would probably have been lost.

THURSDAY, 13th June, 1912.

The Bight Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the Deputy Chief Inspector on his visits to the Greenore, Giles Quay, Blackrock, Tramore, Newcastle (Co. Down), Killough, Kingstown, Poolbeg, Dun- more East and Sidmouth stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Eastern District.—Hunstanton, Brancaster, Wells, Pakefield, Southwold, Lowestoft (two boats), Skegness, Mablethorpe, Seaton Carew and Cullercoats.

Southern District. — Brighton, Swanage, Poole, Weymouth, Littlehampton, Hastings, Eastbourne (two boats), Falmouth, Meva- gissey, Polkerris and Looe.

Western District.—Cemaes, Bull Bay, Pen- mon, Moelfre, Rhosneigir, Rhoscolyn, Pad- stow (two boats and a steam-tug).

Irish District.—New Brighton, Southport, St. Anne's, Blackpool, Fleetwood, Formby and Donaghadee.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— Mr. W. D. OBLSNER (instalment £ s. d.

of the cost of a new Life-boat to be named Eliza Oelsner for Dungeness No. 2 Station) . . 1000 - - OLD AND PRESENT CARTHTTSIANS £. s. d.

—further on account of the cost of the Life-boat Charterhouse at Fishguard (per Mr. F. K. W. Girdlestone) 250 - - Mrs. C. H. COOKES 100 - - CHAPEL BIDDING, Windermere— proceeds of sale of work in aid of the Fishguard Life-boat Char- terhouse (per Mrs. Little) . . 31 4 1 ANONYMOUS 60 - - Mr. and Mrs. JAMES HUTCHINSON (additional) 25 - - NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE TRINITY HOUSE (annual subscription) . 10 10 - Mr. ALBERT BRASSEY (additional) 10 - - —To tie severally thanked.

Also reported the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Miss JULIA ISABEL & s. d. CEELY, of South Kensington, on account of share of residue . 200 - - The late Miss M. E. GIBSON, of Broadgreen, Lancashire (per Liverpool Branch) .... 200 - - The late Mr. JOHN B. GRANDISON, of Pollokshields 180 - - The late Rev. H. HOMER, of Rugby - ... 100 - - The late Mr. HENRY DRAYTON WYATT, of Aldershot.... 89 18 5 The late Mr. W. H. DEAN, of Stratford, E. (additional) . . 69 13 4 The late Mrs. E. ACWORTH, of Gravesend 50 - - The late Colonel G. S. MAXWELL, of Hans Mansions, S.W. . . 50 - - The late Miss E. I. THOMSON, of North Berwick, for the benefit of the North Berwick Branch . 45 14 1 The late Miss M. E. MANNING, of Northampton 36-1

Reported the dispatch to their Stations of the Yarmouth and Appledore No. 2 new Life- boats.

Decided to close the Giles Quay and Sid- mouth Stations.

Paid 6.834Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 147Z. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— jives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Eastbourne Steam Drifter Gamester, No. 1 of Lowestoft. Rendered assistance.

Gorleston Steam Drifter Brothers, No. 1 of Lowestoft. Stood by vessel.

Gourdon. . Fishing boats of Gourdon.

Assisted boats.

Hartlepool Ship Otra, of Christian- No. 2 sand Ilfracombe . S.S. Priestfield, of New- castle. Stood by vessel.

Lowestoft Trawler Gladiolus, of No. 2 Lowestoft. Stood by vessel.

Staithes . . Thirteen fishing cobles of Staithes. Stood by cobles.

Walton-on- Barge Dorothy, of Har- the-Naze wich. Stood by vessel.

The Hauxley Life-boat rendered assistance to the yacht Fiona, of Glasgow.

Also voted 149Z. 13s. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the follow- ing Life-boats, -with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Brighton, Clacton-on-Sea, Dunbar, Eastbourne No. 1, Harwich No. 1, Hoylake, Huna, Longhope, Winterton No. 1.

Reported that the German Government had sent their warmest thanks to the crews of the Ramsgate and North Deal Life-boats for their services in saving the crew of the German steamer Marie Leonhardt, which stranded on. the Goodwin Sands on the 16th January; also to the crew of the Stonehaven Life-boat for saving the crew of the German schooner Hiskilina, off Stonehaven, on 16th December last.

THURSDAY, 11th July, 1912.  The Bt, Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Reported that His Majesty the King had approved the design of the new Decoration.

Read the minutes of the Building, finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Howard and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the Deputy Chief Inspector on his visits to the Gourdon, Stone- haven, Johnshaven, Teignmouth, Lyme Regis, Exmouth and Southwold Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—St. Andrews, Arbroath Holy Island (two boats), Boulmer, Alnmouth, Berwick-on-Tweed, Dunbar, Skateraw and St. Abbs.

Eastern District. — Seaham, Whitburn, Tynemouth, Blyth, Hartlepool (three boats), Sunderland (four boats), Cambois, Filey, Teesmouth, Redcar, Whitby (two boats), Upgang, Rohin Hood's Bay and Saltburn.

Southern District.—Shoreham, Worthing, Bye Harbour, Hastings, Plymouth, Southsea, Atherfield, Brighstone Grange, Brooke and Totland Bay.

Western District.—Appledore (two boats), Clovelly, Bude, Burry Port, Barmouth, Aber- dovey, Llanddulas, Llandudno, Burnham and Weston-super-Mare.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— Mrs. JOHN THYNNE, further on account of a Life-boat to be named Thomas Masterman &. s. d.

Hardy 500 - - THE THORNGATE TRUSTEES (annual subscription) ... 80 - - Mr. E. F. WHITE (annual sub- £ s. d.

scriptlon) 50 - - In memory of the late Miss S. E.

WHITE 25 - - THE CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY (annual subscription) . 21 - - Mr. WILLIAM C. DA WES (annual subscription) 10 10 - His GRACE THE DUKE OF WEST- MINSTER 10 - - —To be severally thanked, Also reported the receipt of the following The late Mr. T. G. GLOVES, of Queen's Gate, S.W., for the Scottish Branch of the Institu- £ s, d.

tion 2000 - - The late Mr. J. T. PIDDINGTON, of Mauritius, further on account. 250 - - The late Mrs. MARGARET NAI- SMITH, of Leeds 100 - - The late Miss ELLEN" YOUNG, of Twickenham, further on account for a new Life-boat to be named Sydney Webb and stationed at Pendeen or as near that place 83 8 4 Reported the dispatch to her station of the Campbeltown new Motor Life-boat.

Decided to close the Sunderland Hendon Beach Station and to place a new Motor Life- boat at SunderlanJ.

Passed the following Resolution with regard to Sunday Concerts and other Sunday Enter- tainments :— The Committee of Management have had before them the question of Sunday Concerts and other Sunday Entertainments, and it has been represented to them that support for the Life-Boat Cause may be made an excuse for the promotion of Sunday Entertainments which would otherwise not be held. It is not for them to pronounce on the propriety or impropriety of the entertainments, or to distinguish between one kind and another.

What they have to recognise is that public opinion about them is divided, and that a respectable body'of the people disapprove of them. The Committee of Management, there- fore, taking neither one side nor the other, and remembering that their appeal for sup- port is addressed to the whole nation, have come to the conclusion that the name of the Institution must not be associated with the promotion of these entertainments, or -used in any recommend them to the public.

On the other hand, should such entertain- ments, duly authorised by municipalities or other qualified authorities, and intended to be held reg_ularly Sunday after Sunday, be organised without reference to or connexion with the Institution or Life-boat work, or any sanction, implied or expressed, of repre- sentatives of the Institution, and a collection made at them, say once a year, for the Life- boat Cause, the Institution will gratefully accept the contribution. What the Com- mittee of Management wish to make clear is that the Institution must not be associated with introduction or promotion of such entertainments.

Paid 11,0562. for sundry charges in con- nexion with various Life-boat Stations.

Voted 242.16*. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— IlTM Life-boat Vessel. raved.

Berwick - on - Fishing-boats of Leith and Tweed Berwick.

Hartlepool Ship Otra of Ohristiansand.

No. 3. Landed 5.

Newbiggin . Steam trawler Lord Bid- Uy, of Blyth.

Also voted 1552. 6s. lid. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with a view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Blackrook, Caister No. 1, Gambols, Hunstanton, Llan- dudno, Mumbles, Peterhead, Port Erroll, Rye Harbour, Sidmouth, and Winterton Nos. 1 and 2.

Reported that the German Government had forwarded, through the Board of Trade, a grant of 221. 10s. to the crew of the Coverack Life-boat for saving the crew of the German barque Pindos which was wrecked near Covarack on 10th February last.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, together with the sum of 2J. to John Allen and 21.

each to four other men, for putting off in a boat from the Island of Stroroa on the 8th May, and saving the crew of thirteen hands of the trawler Dubbelman, of Ymuiden. The vessel had stranded on the Lowther Rock, South Bonaldshay, and eventually became a total wreck. The salvors pulled a distance of six miles against a very strong tide, and incurred very serious risk of losing their lives when rescuing the men on board the wreck.

Granted II. 2s. 6d. to three men for putting off in two boats and saving two of five men whose boat was capsized near Bosueath, Dum- bartonshire, in fine smooth weather on the night of the 25th May. The salvors incurred slight risk.

Also 12.10*. to three men for putting off in a boat and at moderate risk landing three of eleven men of the crew of the steam trawler. Sanson,'which stranded in a moderate S.E.

breeze and moderate sea near Cruden Scaurs, Port Erroll, on 23rd June.

THURSDAY, 1st August, 1912.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Eastern District. — Staithes, Runswick, Scarborough, Hornsea, Withernsea, Donna Nook, Spurn, .Grimsby, Sutton, Southwold and Aide burgh (two boats).

Southern District.—Margate (two boats), North Deal, Kingsdowne, Hythe, New Romney, Folkestone and Dover.

Western District.—Point of Ayr, Holyhead (two boats), Watchet and Port Isaac.

Irish District.—Lytham.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— Mr. T. DXXB EDWARDES, on' ac- count of » Life-boat to be named Lady Botha, and stationed at £ s. d.

Fraserburgh ...... 1000 - - Mr. ROBERT LODGE, for the benefit of the crew of the Seaton Carew Life-boat 52 10 - S.D.B.S.D. (additional) ... 45 - - —To lie severally thanked.

Also reported the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Miss ELLEN BURMESTER, of Sussex Place, Hyde Park & s. d.

(further on account) . . . . 225 - - The late Mrs. AJHXEBSOST, of Aber- deen, on account 50 - - The late Mrs. Lucy BROWN, of Bramley, Leeds 20 - - Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Mr. J. BELCHAM in recognition of his valuable services in connexion with the late Life-boat Saturday Fund and the Institution's Branch at Oxford.

Paid 3.316J. for sundry charges in con- nexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 821. 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— lives Me-boat. Vessel. saved.

Oresswell . Coble The Four Brothers, of Cresswell. Saved boat and 3 Filey. . . 8.S. Cambria of Scar- borough. Landed 33.

Newbiggin . A pleasure boat of New- biggin. Saved boat and 4 Seaton Carew Ship Time, of Sunderland 16 The Ramsey Life-boat assisted to save the Schooner Jessie Sinclair, of Port St. Mary, and 3 lives.

Also voted 2162.18s. 9d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Courtmac- sherry, Gorleston No. 1, Hartlepool No. 2, North Deal, Penzance, Scarborough, Sewzen Cove, Shoreham, and Sutton.

The Committee granted 10s. to John Slade, Second Coxswain of the Minehead Life-boat, for jumping overboard the Life-boat to the assistance of one of the launchers who had been dragged into the water through his foot being entangled with a rope. Both men were hauled into the Life-boat without injury.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will lie published on the 1st February..